Playing Around

I bought some balloons the other day to use. The surprise was with Hubble and the balloons.

Today Dog’s Quote:

“Remember: If you go for a walk with a friend in England, don’t say a single word for hours; if you go for a walk with your dog, talk to it all the time.” 
― George Mikes, How to Be an Alien: A Handbook for Beginners and Advanced Pupils

Image taken with iPhone and processed with Snapseed and Photo Toaster 

For today: Little Dog with Balloons

Hubble & Balloons

Hubble & Balloons

11 thoughts on “Playing Around

  1. Using balloons as a prop is really interesting and I just love the expression of curiosity on little Hubble’s face:)

    How’s it going, Meg?


Arf! Arf!


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