Monday Meet-Up

I am currently working with an art coach and one of my ongoing assignments is to photograph at least two dogs every month that are not my own-

This is Leonidas-otherwise known as Wee, best friend of Jack Henry-well, I should say, Jack Henry’s only dog pal. The two have grown up together and hang out quite a bit-

This was a challenge-I know this dog pretty well, but when faced with taking a more serious portrait at his house, I was challenged. I had taken tons of photographs when he was baby, but Wee is older now and not quite as trusting of the world. I put him in his favorite chair and although he was unsure and a bit suspicious, I was able to get some shots that I think worked-but I also think I will try and photograph dogs in my make-shift studio where I feel a bit more comfortable myself-

Today’s Dog Quote:

“No one can give anyone else the gift of the idyll; only an animal can do so, because only animals were not expelled from Paradise. The love between dog and man is idyllic. It knows no conflicts, no hair-raising scenes; it knows no development.” 
― Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Image taken with Nikon D50 and processed with RadLab and Patti Brown textures-

For today: Master Wee



21 thoughts on “Monday Meet-Up

  1. You know what? One of the things I’ve considered doing if I run a pet photography blog is that I should photograph 100 other dogs that are not Donna. I just haven’t gone around to finding dogs to photograph! Haha! Great idea from the art coach 🙂


    • It was and it is a challenge to be sure-I have to remember that I have been working with Jack Henry for most of his dog life and it took time to get a rhythm going-so the next time I have only an hour or so to work with a dog, I have to remember that-pet photography blog sounds like a terrific idea-keep me posted on that one!!!!


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