‘Ear! ‘Ear!

I know, I know–a terrible pun–can I say the dog made me do it?

We may be cutting back to a once a week posting until the end of the year–work is getting a bit intense and if I can do my twice a week posts, I will certainly do so–but just a heads up all the same–thank you all who continue to follow us-

Today’s Dog Quote:

β€œNo one can give anyone else the gift of the idyll; only an animal can do so, because only animals were not expelled from Paradise. The love between dog and man is idyllic. It knows no conflicts, no hair-raising scenes; it knows no development.”
― Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Image taken with iPhone 5s and processed with Snapseed and Dramatic B/W

For today: BW Ear

'Ear 'Ear

‘Ear ‘Ear

10 thoughts on “‘Ear! ‘Ear!

    • Oh yes–especially with this one–his ears are attuned to sounds like: refrigerator door opening, cookie jar top coming off, dog bowl being filled–but then he cannot seem to hear things like “Come Jack! Now, Jack! or #@$% Jack!” –I am sure you get the drift πŸ˜‰ And I am sure Max has a perfectly tuned set of ears-


Arf! Arf!



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