Dog at the Table #3

Today, we decided to revisit our Dog at the Table series. And again, I was reminded that while it is okay to make plans, do not plan on an outcome. Jack Henry was a bit restless today and so we did not spend the kind of time that I usually do in working with him.

I came away with a lot of images, but this is the one that most spoke to me tonite. I do not know if it is the lines of his neck or the shadow–it just seemed to be the image to go with for today’s post. There is a solitariness about this image to me and that may be in part of where I am in my other photography work  now.

I am reminded too, that Jack Henry is getting older-there is more white around his eyes and snout. But still present is his quiet dignity and presence.

Today’s Dog Quote:

The truth I do not stretch or shove
When I state that the dog is full of love.
I’ve also found, by actual test,
A wet dog is the lovingest. 

–Ogden Nash

Image taken with iPhone 7 Plus and processed with Snapseed, iColorama, Stackables and ReTouch

For today: Dog at the Table #2

Dog at the Table #3

29 thoughts on “Dog at the Table #3

  1. Lovely arrangement between Jack Henry’s shape and the eggs on the table. The eggs came out really well with that silky smoothness. And Jack Henry’s neck has got a lovely painterly swirl and his head is set off against the paler halo around it.

    It all came together 🙂

    What is the ReTouch app? I put the word into the App Store and various ones came up, and not sure which it is.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much David-this is I think my favorite form of processing. I always enjoy seeing what comes out of the rough image. The app you want is Touch Retouch (I think they changed their name). I like it a lot-it can be limited but for simple fixes it gets the job done. Appreciate your visits!


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