Just Not Bad Enough, I Guess

This image started out as a kind of a joke about what if “bad dogs” had a club, but soon became more about the idea of exclusion and the oh-so-arbitrary decisions around what or who is acceptable or not,

This idea dovetailed with a conversation I had earlier today in the gallery with a young woman who is trying to find her way as a photographer. Not only has she been told she does not have the right equipment, but that she is not taking pictures like she “should.” And the thing of it was what little she showed me demonstrated a promising eye and vision. I hope she continues to listen and trust herself. Too often we can get pushed off the path and it can become mighty hard to reclaim our place.

So what dog would make his way into the Bad Dog Club–why, the littlest man of the house-Hubble. Small in size he may be, but he has attitude to spare. Ask Jack Henry who has been on the wrong end when trying to boss Hubble around.

Today’s Dog Quote:

“I don’t understand people who don’t touch their pets. Their cat or dog is called a pet for a reason.”

– Jarod Kintz

Image taken with iPhone 7 and processed using Snapseed, iColorama, Leonardo, Hipstamatic and Stackables

For today: Just Not Bad Enough I Guess

Just Not Bad Enough, I Guess

22 thoughts on “Just Not Bad Enough, I Guess

    • Yes, that is true. This is a very super-secret society and I suspect if Hubble is Sergeant-at-Arms, there is NO way that Jack Henry would ever gain entrance *sigh* blackballed before he even gets in the door 😉 Thanks for visiting!


  1. I was told a few years back by a photographer friend that I needed a “professional” camera like a Nikon or Canon instead of my Leica and Lumix. I could never be a photographer without switching to one of those cameras. Needless to say – I’ve gone on to sell photos, had my own solo exhibition at the Buddy Holly Center in Lubbock, TX. It’s not the camera that makes you a good photographer, its your eye and vision that makes you a good photographer. I hope you see her again so you can share my story.

    Always love Hubble. Azrael says Hi Hubble. You’re not a bad dog – just unique and loved like I am!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I will pass that on Christena–it is funny the *advice* (well-intentioned or not) that we received (asked for or not) on making our way. It is still a struggle in listening to people talk about how mobile photography is not *real* photography, but it was that way with the digital revolution too-Thank you for sharing your story. And Azrael-I can just see you and Hubble on the search for wildlife, while Jack Henry keeps your mistress company-he will not go into the back yard at night because he is frightened of the possums 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jack Henry is a nosy sort that way I must admit–but I am sure that the club would not pass muster to his more *ahem* exacting standards–no matter how much he wants to be thought of as “bad”. Thanks Sally!


Arf! Arf!



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