On Wings Soft and Small . . .

I am starting work on a new series–it is probably overly ambitious, but we all need challenges right? So over the next several weeks, I will be posting some of my experiments as I go along. For today, I have included three of the images I have worked with so far.

Is this how I see dogs? Yes, I think so. They are nothing less than messengers from the heavens whose job it is to keep watch, to love, to remind us of our better selves, and in Jack Henry’s case to make us laugh.

Today’s Dog Quote: 

Ah, noble dog, you are the furry mirror in which we see our better selves reflected, man as he could be, unstained by war or ambition, unspoilt by-”
― Connie Willis, To Say Nothing of the Dog

Image taken with  iPhone 4s and processed with Blur Fx, Mextures, Textures+, Photo Copier and Photo Toaster

For today: Angelus

6 thoughts on “On Wings Soft and Small . . .

  1. Dogs with wings, Cool images! Now they’ll be ready for that time when pigs start to fly… 😉 I agree, dogs are definitely one great gift mankind received when they allowed themselves to be domesticated…


  2. ‘the furry mirror in which we see our better selves reflected’. How beautiful and true those words are! Meg, I really like these images. They make me see these beautiful friends of ours through your eyes. Love it.


Arf! Arf!



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