Blue Boy

An early Christmas present for Hubble from a good friend. And here he is in his new Christmas sweater.

Today’s Dog Quote: 

“It made me feel better. Mouse might not have been the smartest creature on earth, but he was steady, kind, loyal, and was possessed of the uncanny wisdom of beasts for knowing
whom to trust. I might not have been a superhero, but Mouse thought that I was pretty darned cool. That meant something. It would have to be enough.” 
― Jim Butcher

Image taken with iPhone 4s and processed with Photo Toaster

For today: Christmas Sweater

The Christmas Sweater

The Christmas Sweater

19 thoughts on “Blue Boy

  1. Oh look at Hubble! Lookin’ sharp, little man! Luv, Vanessa
    (Dear Hubble, I see I’m not the only one these humans shame into “staying warm” in the name of cuteness. Let’s bite their ankles! Sincerely, Pierre {The MC})


    • Thank you Annabelle-Hubble is what we call in the Southern states a “feist,” a kind of terrier mix that is descended from the dogs brought over from England. They are used for hunting small animals and as watch dogs. Hubble appears to have some German Shepherd in him–he herds Anna when they are outside.They come in all shapes and sizes, though they tend to be on the small side. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting-we appreciate it very much!


  2. Hubble looks cool in that sweater, doesn’t he:)

    I love how you’ve processed this photograph, Meg. It has that beautiful ‘old-film’ look.


    • Hi Uday-Thanks so much-I was really happy with the way this turned out too-I think it is one of my favorite portraits of Hubble-and yes, he absolutely loves that sweater. I thought he would fight me on it-but he sits very still and “helps” me put the sweater on. Who knew? 🙂


Arf! Arf!


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