New Developments

Over the course of the last two weeks, Anna has made some remarkable progress. She will now sit and take a cookie from my hand. She goes to her crate when called-though she still runs like someone is after her. But probably the biggest change of all is her playing with Hubble. I do not think she really knows how to play but I heard some “play” growling the other day while I was working. When I turned around I saw Anna and Hubble opening their mouths and then playing with their paws. Slow, slow but progress nonetheless.

Today’s Dog Quote: 

“A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than an owner can express with his tongue in hours.” 
― Karen Davison

Image taken with iPhone 4s and processed with Photo Toaster and Pic-Tap-Go

For today: Buds

Best Buds

Best Buds

14 thoughts on “New Developments

  1. That is such good news, Meg:) Hats off to you for loving her and taking care of her the way you do.

    The lighting is beautiful in this photograph, Meg.


Arf! Arf!


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