On the Mend

Jack Henry recuperating from his oral surgery–tucked under his special “lamb” blanket.” He was not feeling too hot over the weekend, but I am happy to say that as of yesterday afternoon, he looks and feels better.

Today’s Dog Quote:

Why does watching a dog be a dog fill one with happiness?
Jonathan Safran Foer

Image taken with iPhone 5s and processed with Snapseed, Pic-Tap-Go and FocalLab

For today: I Might Get Better

I Might Get Better

I Might Get Better

10 thoughts on “On the Mend

    • Thank you Annabelle, Pearl and Millie-Jack Henry was to have only one tooth pulled but when the vet got in there, she found two more that needed to go–poor guy! But I am happy to say he is up and around and clearly feeling better 🙂


Arf! Arf!



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