Hipstamatic Hubble

I have been experimenting more with Hipstamatic this week and tried out the Pinhole lens combined with the Runway film-but by processing it I came away with a much softer effect which I liked better.

Hubble loves being on the cutting edge-

Today’s Dog Quote:

“Thorns may hurt you, men desert you, sunlight turn to fog;
but you’re never friendless ever, if you have a dog.”
—Douglas Mallock

Image taken with Hipstamatic and processed with Snapseed, iColorama, Stackables App and Pic-Tap-Go

For today: Hipstamatic Hubble

Hipstamatic Hubble

Hipstamatic Hubble

18 thoughts on “Hipstamatic Hubble

  1. Pingback: Hipstamatic Hubble – mfyemenblog

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