Black Dog Moon

I realized this week that if I wanted to feature Anna more, I was going to have to rethink how I do it, given her shyness around the camera and the phone.  This is another experiment using an image of a sleeping Anna as the focal point.

Today’s Dog Quote:

“It’s the person who likes to pat dogs to whom dogs come for pats.”
― Arthur Gordon

Image taken with iPhone 5s and 7 and processed with Skylab, iColorama, and Snapseed

For today: Black Dog Moon

Black Dog Moon

Black Dog Moon

26 thoughts on “Black Dog Moon

  1. Hi, Meg. Lovely image. I love the concept, lighting, and colors here. It’s just hard to see Anna curled up in that lovely moon. I love that quote! Dogs always know their likely “customers.”


    • Thank you Patti-I know that trying to work that image of Anna into the moon was a headscratcher in terms of how light or dark to make her figure. Definitely going to go back to the drawing board to work with that-Appreciate you taking the time to look and comment!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Julie so much! Yes when Anna sees the camera or the phone, those ears go down and she scrunches up to make herself smaller. Not exactly willing to work the camera like Hubble or Jack Henry who clearly believe the camera is all about them- 😉

      Liked by 1 person

Arf! Arf!


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