Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge-Week 6

Wow! We are half-way through the challenge. For more information about the challenge visit hereAnd many thanks to JX at weliveinaflat and Meghan at  firebonnet for hosting.

Each week, a new app challenge is posted–this week’s challenge is using filters. I use filters a lot-mostly relying on those in PhotoToaster, though I am using Snapseed a little more. This week for Jack Henry’s garden pictures I tried VSCO.

First I must admit, I was not feeling terribly inspired today and both dogs were fussy. It was a beautiful day outside and they would have rather been chasing the birds than sitting in a lawn chair, but to their credit they did their best. Of the two, Jack Henry’s sittings were a bit better, so I ended up working with those images.

I used VSCO to work both in black and white and color. The results were okay-I used the X1 filter for the b/w image and a C1 filter for the color-then I ran both images through PhotoToaster to tweak them. I am finding that I like to push my processing up a notch more than other people might. But as always, it did push me to try out the VSCO app, but just had not used much. I did see that the Aviary is free, so I might try that out next. In looking at both side-by-side, I would have to say I prefer the b/w one better.

Today’s Dog Quote:

“Pit bulls are famous, in circles of knowledgeable dog people, for the love and loyalty they bestow on anyone who shows them a smidgen of kindness.”
–Linda Wilson-Fuoco, journalist 

For today: In the Garden

Color Jack Henry

Color Jack Henry

B/W Jack Henry

B/W Jack Henry

26 thoughts on “Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge-Week 6

  1. Pingback: Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 6 – Colour Filter |

    • He is a very happy dog-one of the happiest I think I have ever owned in fact-and he loves being the center of attention-so let’s see, warm day, outside, comfortable chair, owner’s complete and absolute attention–yup, a perfect day! 😉 Thank you for visiting Sally-


  2. I like both! They are totally different moods certainly. The black and white is more over the top (which I love). And the color is friendly and warm as all above have said. Nice job! I can’t really get the hang of VSCO so it’s just sitting on my tablet gathering cyber dust. 😉


    • TO be honest, I am not real thrilled with VSCO and probably will not be using it much at all. I did end up using Aviary and that is a pretty good app and free too! Of the two, I think I am the more partial to the black and white as well-thanks so much for visiting Meghan!


  3. Pingback: Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge WK6: Color Filters | blogagaini

  4. Pingback: Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 8 – Mirroring |

  5. Pingback: Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 9 – Double exposures |

  6. Pingback: Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 10 – A Pop or Splash of Colour |

Arf! Arf!


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