Walking with Winter

Well winter weather is on everyone’s mind right now-we are due for at least some freezing rain and some snow possibly between now and Saturday. With that in mind, I did another image of Hubble in his blue hoodie (a Xmas present from a good friend) contemplating the white stuff.

Today’s Dog Quote:

“Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell.”
Emily Dickinson

Image taken with iPhone 5s and processed with Snapseed, Stackables, Formulas and Snow Daze

For today: Walking with Winter

Walking with Winter

Walking with Winter

And Hubble was the subject for Laura’s 100 Face Challenge at Create Art Everyday! Click the link to see her wonderfully expressive sketches of Hubble and take the time to look through her pages. Her work is wonderful–right now I am in love with the hedgehog!

Also another bit of news (and shameless promotion)-

The latest issue of iPhotographer Magazine features the Little Dog in the House-Hubble! Many of you are probably familiar with this image-it was one of the very first ones I took of Hubble not long after I found him.

The issue is available on the Apple Newsstand which you can find here: http://bit.ly/ipm-pets  For anyone interested in seeing what creativity, imagination, and an iPhone can do, it is worth your while (and $3.99) to check this out. The publication and associated site P1xels is a true labor of love by founder Knox Bronson; the site showcases some of the most innovative and beautiful mobile photography work going on all over the world. (Whew-I think I am adjective’d out)

We Are Bona-Fide

We Are Bona-Fide

23 thoughts on “Walking with Winter

    • Oh yes-between this and his crate which is filled with a comfy bed and blanket-he is ready to go for serious snuggle down time-thankfully, the storm did not hit us as hard as predicted-enough snow-but the icy mix that could have caused real problems was minimal-


    • Hey Laura-Thanks so much for stopping by-I love your work and look forward to seeing what you do with each post-your images have such depth and emotional pull. Hubble is my model in many of the photographs-he is a real trooper, plus I think he just likes the attention 😉 But he lets me experiment and try different things which I am very grateful for-Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

Arf! Arf!



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